Surf World attended the Gallery and Museum Achievement Awards (GAMAA) at Redland Performing Arts Centre last week to accept the award (photo above) for their win in the Organisations Volunteer Run – Engagement category for “Sharing the Stoke” project.
The GAMAA are presented by Museums & Galleries Queensland to honour the achievements of individuals and organisations in striving towards excellence.
This award is dedicated to all the volunteers who provide us with the capacity to open every day, set up off site exhibits, cook at BBQs, clean, catalogue, look after the finances and all the other myriad of tasks they perform. A BIG THANK YOU.
This is the second the time the museum has won an award at the GAMAA, having won in 2010 for the best Organisation Wholly Volunteer Run.
Karen and Bob from the Committee accepted the award on behalf of Surf World, particularly for all the volunteers who perform a wonderful job day in and day out.
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